Friday, May 22, 2009

Important information

What a lovely morning- but must work! I forgot to post that I am having a SALE on all books and patterns that are in-stock - Thursday -Friday & Sat - 30% OFF. Then - we will be CLOSED on Monday in observance for Memorial Day.
For the month of May - our trunk show is from my shop manager - Zephie Mikesell. She is a very diverse quilter - among her quilts is one of her first projects- a beginning class sampler that she made in a 4 part class she took from me several years ago while I was working at Stylish Fabrics, a Skull quilt - her 16 year old son designed and requested she make for him ( he even gave her the dimensions ), a water color scene, applique quilts and fun piecing. What a gal - she is great. Please come by to see them!
I am sure you all need another reminder about shop hop - June 17,18,19 & 20. It will be a fun time for all. We are all working hard on the preparations.
On the personal side, I visit the cemetery alot, especially on Memorial Day weekend. There are many pictures of me taken at the cemetery as a child - but we didn't picnic!!! My dad used to put the flags on the graves- I would ride in the truck with him and would get carsick - too many turns - what a crazy memory! We remember all our family members as well as my father and 2 uncles that served in WWII. It a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. If you are familiar with the Logan cemetery - you have probably seen the tall statue of the Weeping Woman. That is the grave of my Great Grandmother Cronquist. She lost 4 children from influenza within one year - hence the story of why she wept. Behind the statue is a small grave of 2 sisters, Emilia and Inez. They died within a week of each other in 1901 and are buried together. I have a portrait of them that was done in 1900 hanging over my headboard - it is so lovely. The cemetery is so rich in family history and all the untold stories we will never know of - I find it very interesting. I have my visits all mapped out - the cremains of my husband Rob Roy are buried next to my dad, my mom is with her parents and siblings, my great grandfather Hoffman and his 3 wives all in a row, then my Great Grandmother and then I even visit my first husbands grave - after all I did love him first and he is my Stacy's father. How crazy am I !!! So - whatever you do this weekend - make it memorable and think of those that have come and gone on before us. But please - take some time to sew! Kaye

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