Sunday, March 21, 2010

Welcome to Earth - little miss Lilly Marie Neilson

Saturday, March 20, 2010 was a wonderful day for my new grand daughter was born at 3:14 p.m. weighing in at 7 lb. 2 oz, 19" long, a head full of dark hair and as healthy as can be. How blessed are we!!!!!! Katy (the proud mom) had some tough times but came through like the trooper that she is. I am so amazed at the miracle of life - seeing this little person arrive after only 39 weeks- I wonder if I have done anything constructive in the last 39 weeks. I can't seem to get my camera to upload today - but I have taken some wonderful pictures. I will share them with you a.s.a.p. I just came to the shop after visiting with them today - I wish I could just hold her for the next few days- wouldn't that be the best thing ever! I wish for her a happy life, an open mind and a grateful heart - and to always know how much her Nanny Kaye loves her. xoxox


Chris and Marissa said...

Pass our congrats to Rob and Katy! From Chris and Marissa Merket.

Soccer Mom said...

I am so happy for all of you!! How awesome! I can't wait to see pictures!

Carol said...

Congratulations Grandma. March 20 is the best day to have a birthday because it is the first day of Spring and also National Quilt Day and my birthday. Welcome Lilly.

Avon said...

Congrats Gram-ma Kay! Don't you just love them.:) Can't wait to see the pictures.